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Display Total Number of Submissions for a Form

If you wish to display the total number of submissions a Freeform form has received, you can do this by including the .count function on the Submissions Query.


Your template code would look as simple as this:

{{ freeform.submissions({formId:}).count }}

A real-world example might look something like this:

{% set forms = freeform.forms %}

<h2>List of All Forms</h2>

{% for form in forms %}
<div class="form-card">
<h4>{{ }}</h4>
<p>{{ form.description }}</p>
<p>{{ freeform.submissions({formId:}).count }} Submissions</p>
{% endfor %}

Spam Count

If you'd like to display the total number of submissions in the spam folder for a form, just add isSpam: true to the query:

{{ freeform.submissions({formId:, isSpam: true}).count }}