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Custom Export TypesNew in 5.0+

If you wish to build your own export types that appear as options in the Quick Export and Export Profiles features, this is possible with the development of a custom module.

Setup Guide

The creation of custom export types in Freeform will require using a custom Craft module. This guide assumes you already have that knowledge. If not, please check out the guide we have.


Registering Custom Export Types

To create and use your own Export Type, you must implement \Solspace\Freeform\Bundles\Export\SubmissionExportInterface. For convenience we have added the \Solspace\Freeform\Bundles\Export\AbstractSubmissionExport class which you can extend.

First, create your own export type, which extends the AbstractSubmissionExport class, and implement its methods.

As an example, we'll create an HTML export type:


namespace modules\Exports;

use Solspace\Freeform\Bundles\Export\AbstractSubmissionExport;

class HtmlExport extends AbstractSubmissionExport
public static function getLabel(): string
return 'HTML';

public function getMimeType(): string
return 'text/html';

public function getFileExtension(): string
return 'html';

public function export($resource): void
// export logic will come here

In this class we define the label, mime type, file extension and the export method. The export method is where you would write the logic to export the submissions to the desired format. We will cover this in the next section.


Now we register the exporter type:

use Solspace\Freeform\Services\ExportProfilesService;
use Solspace\Freeform\Events\ExportProfiles\RegisterExporterEvent;
use modules\Exports\HtmlExport;

function (RegisterExporterEvent $event) {
$event->addExporter('html', HtmlExport::class);

You should now see your custom export type available in the export profiles view and in the quick export pop-up:


Export logic

The ::export() method is where you write the logic to export the submissions to the desired format. The $resource parameter is a writable stream resource, which lets us write to the file in a memory efficient way. After the ::export() method finishes, the file will be returned to the user for download and then removed from the temp directory.

Here is an example of how you can export submissions to an HTML file:


namespace modules\Exports;

use Solspace\Freeform\Bundles\Export\AbstractSubmissionExport;

class HtmlExport extends AbstractSubmissionExport
// ...

public function export($resource): void
// Write the HTML header
fwrite($resource, "<html>\n<body>\n");

$count = 1;
// Iterate through a 100 rows at a time
foreach ($this->getRowBatch() as $rows) {
foreach ($rows as $columns) {
// Write the entry header
fwrite($resource, "\t<div>\n");
fwrite($resource, "\t\t<h2>Entry {$count}</h2>\n");

// Iterate through all available columns
foreach ($columns as $column) {
// Get the value and label
$value = $column->getValue();
$label = $column->getDescriptor()->getLabel();

// Transform the value if needed
if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
$value = $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

if (\is_array($value)) {
$value = implode(', ', $value);

// Write the column label and value to the file
fwrite($resource, "\t\t<div><b>" . $label . '</b>: ' . $value . "</div>\n");

fwrite($resource, "\t</div>\n");

// Write the HTML footer
fwrite($resource, "</body>\n</html>\n");

You should now be able to export submissions to an HTML file.