Freeform Freeform for Craft


Submissions Element Field Type

Freeform includes a Freeform Submissions field type (and Freeform Form), which allows you to assign/relate submissions to other element types such as Craft Entries.

Freeform Submissions Fieldtype


When pairing the Freeform Submissions field type with the Relations feature, Freeform can do extraordinary things like become a tool that let's your users comment on entries, submit ratings and reviews for Commerce products and more! The Relations feature essentially allows you to feed another Craft Element ID to the form that is attached to the submission(s), and the Freeform submission then becomes attached to the other element the same way an Asset does, etc.

Creating the Field

Creating a Freeform Submissions field is done just like any other field type, here's an overview of the process:

Click the New field button in the top right corner.

Selection Label is the text that will appear on the button which opens the Freeform Submissions selection pop-up dialog.


Your Freeform Submissions field is now available to be assigned to other sections.