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Console Commands

Freeform includes several console commands to allow you to run cleanup tasks and other tasks.

Generate Fake Submissions5.1.14+

If you ever need to generate fake submission data for testing purposes, you can do so with the freeform/submissions/generate CLI command.

Freeform will attempt to automatically generate content and select options for all of your form fields. For example, it will know that an Email field should contain an email address, a Number field should contain a number, a Date field will contain a valid date, a field with the word name in it should contain a name, it should check a few options in a Checkboxes field, etc. Please note that some of these checks like name may rely more on the English language. The creation date defaults to today but can be overridden. However, the times are always random within the specified period.


The following arguments are available:

  • --author-id, -a
    • The user ID to be assigned as the author of the generated submissions. Defaults to none (guest).
    • E.g. --author-id=1, -a=12
  • --count=10, -c
    • The number of submissions to generate. Defaults to 1.
    • E.g. --count=10, -c=100.
  • --dry-run
    • Displays a sample generated submission inside the CLI without actually creating the submissions in Freeform/Craft, allowing you to get a rough idea of what it will generate. Defaults to off.
  • --form, -f *required
    • The handle or ID of the form you wish to generate submissions for.
    • E.g. --form=contactForm, --form=12, -f=2.
  • --locale, -l
    • The locale to use when generating submissions. Defaults to en_US.
    • E.g. --locale=fr, --locale=fr_FR, -l=de.
  • --range-start, -rs
    • The starting date period to generate submissions between. Can also use relative wording, e.g. 3 weeks ago. Defaults to today.
    • E.g. --range-start="2024-03-01", --range-start="-1 week", --range-start="3 weeks ago".
  • --range-end, -re
    • The ending date period to generate submissions between. Can also use relative wording. Defaults to today.
    • E.g. --range-end="2024-12-31", --range-end="+1 week", --range-end="2 days".
  • --spam
    • Flags all submissions as spam so they appear in the Freeform Spam Folder.
  • --status, -s
    • The handle of ID of the status(es) to be used when generating submissions. Can be set to multiple comma-separated statuses. Defaults to using the default status set inside the form builder for the form.
    • E.g. --status="open,pending,closed", --status="testing", -s=pending.
  • --verbose, -v
    • Displays in the CLI all of the generated submission data that it created in Freeform/Craft. Defaults to off.


Generate 10 spam submissions in French to the contactForm form:

php craft freeform/submissions/generate --form=contactForm --spam --count=10 --locale=fr

Generate 100 submissions in English to the survey2024 form between 3 weeks ago and tomorrow:

php craft freeform/submissions/generate --form=survey2024 --count=100 --locale=en --range-start="3 weeks ago" --range-end="tomorrow"

Generate 50 submissions in English to the quoteRequest form with a mix of the statuses open, pending, and closed:

php craft freeform/submissions/generate -f=quoteRequest -c=50 -l=en -s="open,pending,closed"

Generate 50 submissions in English to the quoteRequest form with a mix of the statuses open and closed, with a much higher proportion of them being open:

php craft freeform/submissions/generate -f=quoteRequest -c=50 -l=en -s="open,open,open,open,closed"

Resave Submissions5.1.13+

If you need to resave all Freeform submissions, you can do so with the freeform/submissions/resave CLI command. Most of the arguments available to Craft's resave/entries command are available here too, so if you need to also update the Craft Search Index, be sure to add --update-search-index.

php craft freeform/submissions/resave --update-search-index

Migrate Craft 4 Element Titles5.1.13+

If you have upgraded your Craft 4 site to Craft 5, please note that the Craft migration process does not automatically migrate submission Element titles. In Craft 5, Element titles are now stored in the elements_sites table, and the content table which used to store Element titles is no longer used.

While most plugins could include a separate migration script to handle this, Freeform 5 supports both Craft 4 and Craft 5, making this path impossible. Instead, a CLI command has been included that needs to be executed once after upgrading from Craft 4 to Craft 5.

This CLI command is only applicable to sites that have migrated from Craft 4 to Craft 5 while Freeform was installed.

php craft freeform/submissions/fix-titles

Purge Commands

Freeform automatically attempts to routinely execute all of the below commands as Craft jobs, but they are available in the event you need to correct or troubleshoot an issue.

Purge SubmissionsPro

Allows you to purge all submissions older than a specific number of days. Freeform automatically attempts to execute this service based on the specified number of days for the Automatically Purge Submission Data setting.

php craft freeform/purge/submissions --age-in-days=30

Purge Spam

Allows you to purge all spam submissions older than a specific number of days. Freeform automatically attempts to execute this service based on the specified number of days for the Automatically Purge Spam Submissions setting.

php craft freeform/purge/spam --age-in-days=30

Purge Unfinalized Assets

Allows you to purge all unfinalized assets older than a specific number of minutes. Freeform automatically attempts to execute this service every 3 hours.

php craft freeform/purge/unfinalized-assets --age-in-minutes=180