Freeform includes a wide variety of settings that allow you to customize your form management experience.
Customize your form management experience.
Set access permissions for users and user groups.
Limited UsersNew!
Customize the form builder experience for specific users or groups.
PDF TemplatesNew!
Create custom PDF templates to be generated for email notifications.
Demo Templates
Install the sample set of demo templates.
GDPR Compliance
General guide for GDPR compliance.
Project Config
A list of all project config settings available.
Site-Aware FormsNew
Show/hide forms for specific Sites and allow translations.
Learn how to translate Freeform's CP and front end.
Update Notices
Alerts you of potential issues that specifically may affect your site.
Email Failure Alerts
Send notifications when an email fails to send due to an error on your site.
Weekly/Daily Digest
Helps keep your finger on the pulse of your site.
A self-diagnostics page that may help you track down potential issues.