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Calendar Calendar for ExpressionEngine


2.4.4 2018-03-01


  • Updated 'First Day of Week' setting in Preferences to include all days of the week.

2.4.3 2017-12-12


  • Fixed a bug where the Update Service for EE3 was not compatible with PHP 5.3.

2.4.2 2017-11-17


  • Fixed a bug where a SQL error was showing in the Calendar control panel for some customers.

2.4.1 2017-10-17


  • Fixed a bug where multi-day events were excluded from event lists when the start date passed but end date didn't.

2.4.0 2017-09-05


  • Added Update Service to Calendar that automatically checks for updates and notifies you in the control panel.
  • Added calendar:event_first_date_timestamp, calendar:event_last_date_timestamp, calendar:event_first_date_timestamp_utc and calendar:event_last_date_timestamp_utc variables to Calendar:Events tag and custom field display in Channel:Entries. The former of the two versions are a localized adjustment to the timestamp so you can compare it correctly with EE's current_time variable, etc.


  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar:Date template tag was not localizing properly to other languages.
  • Fixed a bug where Weekly event repeating was offset by 1 week when using 2+ week intervals.

2.3.2 2017-06-16


  • Fixed a bug where Calendar was not fully compatible with PHP 5.3 and MySQL 5.7 only_full_group_by SQL mode.

2.3.1 2017-05-02


  • Fixed a bug where Calendar would error on fresh installs.

2.3.0 2017-04-28


  • Added ICS Subscription functionality.
  • Added category filtering for ICS Exporting.
  • Added batch processing to Calendar 1.x to 2.x migration to help with sites that have a larger number of events.


  • Fixed a bug where the category parameter in Calendar:Events would not work with inclusive (&) rules.
  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar fieldtype (in templates) would not display event data from other MSM sites.
  • Fixed a bug where events that recurred weekly over multiple days options might not display correctly in Month/Week/Day template tags.
  • Fixed a bug where ICS Export was not reliably looking for entry ID of event for single event exports.

2.2.3 2017-03-02


  • Fixed a bug where February would sometimes be missing from Calendar:Month_List template tag and the Prev/Next month buttons in Calendar CP Month view.
  • Fixed a bug where specifying multiple MSM sites to show both sites' event entries, it only showed results for the currently viewed site.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing the Month/Week/Day views in CP would show events from all MSM sites instead of just current site.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing the Month/Week/Day views in CP on other MSM sites would sometimes show an error.

2.2.2 2017-01-20


  • Updated for compatibility with PHP 7.1.

2.2.1 2016-11-03


  • Added AJAX mini calendar example to demo templates.


  • Fixed a bug where recurring events would sometimes display unreliably in the distant future.
  • Fixed a bug where the {calendar:recurrences} variable pair for Calendar fieldtype in Channel:Entries tag would omit the first occurrence from results.

2.2.0 2016-08-24


  • Added calendar:event_is_past, calendar:event_is_current, and calendar:event_is_future conditionals for Calendar:Events tag.
  • Added calendar:event_start_date_timestamp, calendar:event_end_date_timestamp, calendar:event_start_date_timestamp_utc and calendar:event_end_date_timestamp_utc variables to Calendar:Events tag and custom field display in Channel:Entries. The former of the two versions are a localized adjustment to the timestamp so you can compare it correctly with EE's current_time variable, etc.


  • Fixed a bug where ICS exporting recurring events would result in an error.

2.1.1 2016-06-22


  • Updated for compatibility with ExpressionEngine 3.4.


  • Fixed a bug where Calendar would not display a custom field if there was another MSM site with a custom field with the same short name.

2.1.0 2016-05-27


  • Added single variable support for uploaded file parsing in Calendar:Events tag.


  • Updated fieldtype interface for a cleaner look and feel. Requires EE 3.2+.
  • Greatly improved control panel performance for loading a large number of events.


  • Fixed a bug where unknown timezones could cause errors in the Calendar control panel and template tags. Now defaults to UTC.
  • Fixed a bug where filtering by not category ID and using uncategorized_entries parameter would kill all other parameter filtering for the template tag.

2.0.5 2016-04-29


  • Added support for PHP7.


  • Fixed a bug in Migration where events that used the Select Dates option only would migrate incorrectly, causing errors.

2.0.4 2016-04-18


  • Updated Calendar for compatibility with ExpressionEngine 3.3's new icon set in the control panel.
  • Updated demo templates to handle multi-day event times better.

2.0.3 2016-03-18


  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar:Date template tag would not always be accurate for output date.
  • Fixed a bug where Calendar could error when custom channel fields were named with MySQL reserved names.
  • Fixed a bug where Calendar would not install on Windows based machines.

2.0.2 2016-03-03


  • Fixed a bug where CURRENT_USER option did not work in the author_id="" parameter of Calendar tags.
  • Fixed a bug where date_range_start="today" and date_range_end="today" parameters in Calendar:Events tag would not correctly show all events for that given day.
  • Fixed a bug where the {if current_day/week/month/year} conditionals were not correctly localized to the user's preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where the default EE datepicker language file would not load when Calendar is installed because it is also named 'calendar'.
  • Fixed a bug where submitting invalid date values into date_range_start="" and date_range_end="" parameters would trigger an error instead of failing gracefully. Will now default to today when an incorrect value is passed.

2.0.1 2016-02-25


  • Fixed a bug where Calendar could error on install in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar fieldtype was triggering a deprecation notice.

2.0.0 2016-02-15




  • Removed ability to create additional occurrence rules.
  • Removed ability to make one-off occurrence manipulations (sometimes referred to as Custom Edited Occurrences in Calendar 1.x).
  • Removed ability to import Calendar data with ICS. -05-be added back in a future release.
  • Removed Calendar:ICS_Update template tag, as ICS import is currently not available.
  • Removed Calendar:Year_List template tag.
  • Removed Calendar:Mini calendar template tag, as this can be achieved with Calendar:Month tag.
  • Removed Calendar:Occurrences template tag loop in favor of {calendar:recurrences} variable pair.
  • Removed Calendar:Cal template tag in favor of Calendar:Events and using the functionality broken down into Calendar:Month, Calendar:Week, and Calendar:Day template tags. Removed the hidden auto-formatting functionality from these template tags as well.
  • Removed {rules}{/rules} variable pair and variables from Calendar:Events template tag.
  • Removed ability to repeat events forever (must have a specified end date).
  • Removed show_RANGE="" parameters. This is generally already available with the easy-to-use text date formatting options for date_range_end="" parameter.
  • Removed ability to filter event results by time (full days allowed only now).
  • Removed per calendar time formatting controls.
  • Removed timezone settings and localization.