Calendar Calendar for Craft



All of the Calendar control panel area and front end templates are translatable.

To make a translation, follow Craft's instructions for Translating Static Text, and then check out the Calendar-specific guide below:

  • Duplicate the calendar.php file inside the Calendar plugin located at the ./vendor/solspace/craft-calendar/src/translations/en-US folder, and add it into the language ID folder (e.g. de) of your Craft ./translations/ directory. If the translations directory does not yet exist, you'll need to create it (e.g. ./translations/de/calendar.php). You can then update those language keys inside your Calendar translation file.
  • Not all month and weekday name strings that are part of dates are translated through static translation files however:
    • The CP Month/Week/Day views use the FullCalendar JS library which contain their own translations. Calendar will detect the locale you're using and automatically load the corresponding translation file. If it's not, please contact us and let us know which translation and 2 or 4 letter language ID you're using (e.g. fr-BE).
    • When using properties from the Event object such as startDate and endDate, you'll want to be sure to use the |date filter instead of .format to allow Craft to automatically translate the date strings. Due to a conflict between how Craft and Calendar each work, you'll need to also append Localized to the date property (e.g. startDateLocalized) in order to see dates/times that aren't incorrectly localized to the user's timezone. Your final code might look something like: event.startDateLocalized|date("l, F j, Y g:ia").
    • If you're testing this in the demo templates included with Calendar, you'll need to comb through the templates to switch any references of .format to |date instead.

Visit the Craft documentation for more information about Setting Up a Localized Site.

If you'd like to share your translation with others, send us an email with a link to the translation file, and we'll consider including it in the main Solspace Calendar plugin package.