Calendar Calendar for Craft



5.0.6 2024-07-12


  • Fixed a bug where installation of Craft CMS would break if the Calendar plugin was enabled in Project Config.
  • Fixed a bug where using the groupedByWeek() method returns an error.

5.0.5 2024-06-07


  • Replaced the custom UpdateEventsUriJob with Craft's UpdateElementSlugsAndUris job to correctly parse URI parameters.
  • Updated the plugin icon with subtle improvements for Craft 5.


  • Fixed a bug where CP breadcrumbs for events in Craft 5 were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where viewing an event in the CP would sometimes error in Craft 4.

5.0.4 2024-05-09


  • Added favicons to the demo templates.
  • Added calendar/events/fix-titles CLI command to fix the migration of Element titles for sites that have upgraded from Craft 4 to Craft 5. This command needs to be run once after the migration.


  • Updated the nesbot/carbon dependency to include ^3.0.0".
  • Updated Calendar to support Carbon 3.x.


  • Fixed a bug where reoccurring events were not returning when using batch calls.
  • Fixed a number of breadcrumbs throughout Calendar control panel pages.

5.0.3 2024-04-08


  • Updated the symfony/property-access, symfony/finder, and symfony/filesystem dependencies to include ^7.0.

5.0.2 2024-04-04


  • Added selectDatesAsDatesLocalized and exceptionsLocalized to aid with timezone issues when using |date to translate dates.


  • Fixed a bug where running any GraphQL query would result in an Internal Server Error.
  • Fixed a bug where events with "Selected Dates" repeat rules would not always save correctly via a front-end form.

5.0.1 2024-04-03


  • Fixed several potential issues with queries to better support prefixes and updated variable names to be more meaningful.

5.0.0 2024-03-26


  • Added compatibility with Craft 5.x (in addition to Craft 4.x).


  • Updated plugin icon.
  • Removed Resources area in control panel.