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Freeform for ExpressionEngine
1.x Retired
Freeform includes member group Permission controls to allow or deny access to various pages and parts of the Freeform control panel. Simply visit the Freeform permissions page (Freeform > Settings > Permissions) to grant/edit/remove permissions to Freeform. Super Admins ALWAYS have full access.
- Default Permissions for New Member Groups
- Select whether newly created member groups should automatically be allowed or denied access to Freeform's permissions (member groups created later on).
- Manage Forms - can create, edit or delete forms. All members will have access to view list of forms.
- Access Submissions - access to the Submissions list page.
- Manage Submissions - can view, edit or delete any or all submissions.
- Access Fields - access to the Fields list page and ability to create, edit or delete fields.
- Access Export - access to the Export Profiles list page and running of exports.
- Access Settings - can access and update various settings areas for Freeform, including Email Notification Templates, Formatting Templates, Statuses, etc.
- Access Integrations - can access and create, edit or delete API integrations.
- Access Resources - show or hide the Resource links in the left Freeform nav.
- Access Logs - access to the Freeform error logs.