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Line Breaks in Textarea Fields

Textarea fields store data in the database as newlines. When displaying submission data in email notifications or on the front end with a Submissions query, the newlines will not be respected and render as a single clump of text with Twig.


To get textarea fields to display correctly with the line breaks, you can use the nl2br Twig filter:

{{ myFieldHandle|nl2br }}
{{ submission[field.handle]|nl2br }}

Email Notifications

How this may look when displaying submission data in an email notification template when iterating through all fields:

<p>Submitted on: {{ dateCreated|date('l, F j, Y \\a\\t g:ia') }}</p>
{% for field in allFields %}
{% if field.type == "textarea" %}
{{ field.value|nl2br }}
{% else %}
<li>{{ field.label }}: {{ field.valueAsString }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Submissions on Front End

How this may look when displaying submission data for a single submission on the front end (assuming the ID is in 3rd segment) when iterating through all fields:

{% set submissionId = %}
{% set submission = freeform.submissions({id: submissionId}).one() %}

{% if submission %}
<h3>{{ submission.title }}</h3>
<table class="table table-striped">
{% for field in submission %}
<th>{{ field.label ? field.label : "no-label" }}</th>
{% if field.type == "textarea" %}
{{ submission[field.handle]|nl2br }}
{% else %}
{{ submission[field.handle] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}