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Pipedrive Deals CRM Integration Pro

This documentation page assumes you have read over the CRM Integration Overview page. If you have not yet read it, please do so now. We also assume that you have a Pipedrive account already. If you currently have Freeform Lite, you can purchase an upgrade to Freeform Pro.


This documentation page is for the Deals version of the Pipedrive integration. Click here if you're looking for the Pipedrive Leads integration.


Duplicate Check & Update

  • Duplicate detection on Persons email address (and updating contact info if matches).

Setup Instructions

  • Go to Pipedrive and log into your account.
  • At the top right corner, click on the profile icon and select Personal Preferences.
  • On the next page near the top right of the secondary navigation menu, click the API option.
  • Click the Generate new token link and copy the newly created token.
  • Go to the CRM section in Freeform Settings (Freeform > Settings > CRM).
  • Click the New Integration at the top right.
  • Select Pipedrive Deals from the Service Provider select dropdown.
  • Enter a name and handle for the integration.
  • Paste the Pipedrive API token into the API Token field in Freeform.
  • At the bottom of the page, click the Save button.
  • After the integration is saved, it'll return you to the list of CRM integrations.
  • Click into the newly created integration.
  • Confirm that there is green circle with Authorized in the middle of the page.


If you want to specify which user and/or deal stage the leads go into, you can specify the unique ID's for each of those in the User ID and Stage ID fields, but this is optional. There seems to be no visual way in Pipedrive to see what the ID's are, so you'll likely need to do something like right-clicking on a Stage name / User name link to view the ID in a URL. So for example, to get the Stage ID, go to the Settings area and click on Pipelines. Right-click on a stage name and copy the link. You'll get something like (where 3 is the stage ID in this case):


The stage ID is unique, so Pipedrive will automatically know which pipeline you're referring to when you specify the stage ID.