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Config Overrides

Freeform allows you to include config overrides of Freeform settings in a configuration file, if you wish to do so instead of setting in the database. Just create a new file named freeform.php and place it into your Craft /config/ directory.

For Freeform Lite edition (including Pro):


* Freeform Lite base config file

return [
'*' => [
// ================================================================================================
// General
// ================================================================================================

// Override the plugin name by specifying your own here.
'pluginName' => 'Forms',

// Enable this to show the interactive tutorial again in Composer.
// This setting disables again when the tutorial is completed or skipped.
'showTutorial' => false,

// The default page to go to when clicking the Freeform nav item.
'defaultView' => \Solspace\Freeform\Freeform::VIEW_FORMS,

// The display order for the list of available fields in Composer.
'fieldDisplayOrder' => \Solspace\Freeform\Freeform::FIELD_DISPLAY_ORDER_NAME,

// Include the default form formatting templates?
'defaultTemplates' => true,

// Enable this to have newlines removed from Textarea fields in submissions when exporting.
'removeNewlines' => false,

// Enable this to automatically disable the form's submit button when the form is submitted.
// This will prevent the form from double-submitting.
'formSubmitDisable' => false,

// Include freeform JS scripts in the pages footer or inside the form tag.
'footerScripts' => true,

// Select the number of days after submissions have been submitted for Freeform
// to begin automatically purging. This process will only run every hour, and only
// when Freeform is accessed on the front end in templates or in the control panel.
'purgableSubmissionAgeInDays' => null,

// ================================================================================================
// Formatting and Email templates
// ================================================================================================

// Provide a relative path to the Craft Templates folder where your custom formatting templates
// directory is. This allows you to use Twig templates for your form formatting, and helps Composer
// locate these files to assign one of them to a form.
'formTemplateDirectory' => null,

// Provide a relative path to the Craft Templates folder where your email templates directory is.
// This allows you to use Twig template files for your email formatting, and helps Composer locate
// these files when setting up notifications.
'emailTemplateDirectory' => null,

// Which storage method to use when creating new email notifications with 'Add New Notification'
// option in Composer.
'emailTemplateStorage' => \Solspace\Freeform\Models\Settings::EMAIL_TEMPLATE_STORAGE_DB,

// ================================================================================================
// Spam
// ================================================================================================

// Enable this to use Freeform's built in Javascript-based honeypot spam protection.
'freeformHoneypot' => true,

// Select the behavior you'd like Freeform to take when it detects a submission as being spam.
'spamProtectionBehaviour' => \Solspace\Freeform\Models\Settings::PROTECTION_SIMULATE_SUCCESS,

// When enabled, all submissions caught by the honeypot or blocked email addresses,
// keywords and IP addresses will be flagged as spam and stored in the database,
// but available to manage in a separate menu inside Freeform.
'spamFolderEnabled' => false,

// Enter email addresses you would like blocked from being used in Email fields.
// Use '*' for wildcard, and separate multiples on new lines.
'blockedEmails' => '',

// Enable this if you'd like field-based errors to display under the email field(s)
// that the user has entered blocked emails for. Not recommended for regular use,
// but helpful if trying to troubleshoot submission issues.
'showErrorsForBlockedEmails' => false,

// The message shown to users when blocked emails are submitted. Can use the {email} variable.
'blockedEmailsError' => '',

// Enter keywords you would like blocked from being used in all text and textarea fields.
// Use '*' for wildcard, and separate multiples on new lines.
'blockedKeywords' => '',

// Enable this if you'd like field-based errors to display under the field(s)
// that the user has entered blocked keywords for. Not recommended for regular use,
// but helpful if trying to troubleshoot submission issues.
'showErrorsForBlockedKeywords' => false,

// The message shown to users when blocked keywords are submitted. Can use {value} and {keyword} variables.
'blockedKeywordsError' => '',

// Enter IP addresses you would like blocked. Separate multiples on new lines.
'blockedIpAddresses' => '',

// Globally (affecting all users) prevent spam or attacks by limiting the number
// of times all forms can be submitted within a given timeframe.
'submissionThrottlingCount' => null,
'submissionThrottlingTimeFrame' => \Solspace\Freeform\Models\Settings::THROTTLING_TIME_FRAME_MINUTES,

// If you wish to have Freeform automatically purge submissions flagged as spam
// after a specified number of days, enable this setting and specify the number
// of days after submission date it should purge spammy submissions.
'purgableSpamAgeInDays' => null,

Freeform Pro

For Freeform Pro edition specifically:


* Freeform Pro base config file

return [
'*' => [
// ================================================================================================
// ================================================================================================

// Enable this to allow use of reCAPTCHA on your forms.
'recaptchaEnabled' => false,
'recaptchaKey' => '',
'recaptchaSecret' => '',

// ================================================================================================
// Salesforce Lead CRM integration
// ================================================================================================

'salesforce_client_id' => '',
'salesforce_client_secret' => '',
'salesforce_username' => '',
'salesforce_password' => '',
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