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Cache tag

Calendar event data and calendar data can be cached with the Cache tag. However, if you want the cache to refresh whenever you create, update or remove an event or calendar, you will need to specify a cache key when doing so.

For example, caching a calendars list would look like this, and will refresh automatically whenever you create, update or delete a calendar:

{% set calendars = craft.calendar.calendars %}

{% cache using key craft.calendar.calendarsCacheKey %}
{% for calendar in calendars %}
{{ calendar.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}

To cache an events list, it would look like this, and will refresh automatically whenever you create, update or delete an event:

{% set events = %}

{% cache using key craft.calendar.eventsCacheKey %}
{% for event in events %}
{{ event.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}

In this example however, only the event data cache will be refreshed. Since calendars and their data is separate, updating a calendar will not refresh any related calendar specific data in the above example (such as calendar name, handle, color, etc).

To work around this, you would include a cache key for both calendar data and event data, so that all of the cache would refresh if a calendar or event is created, updated or deleted.

For example:

{% set events = %}

{% cache using key (craft.calendar.calendarsCacheKey ~ craft.calendar.eventsCacheKey) %}
<h2>Event calendars</h2>
{% for event in events %}
{{ calendar.title }} in {{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}

You can also clear your cache manually by going into Craft's Settings, and clicking the Clear Caches button (choose the Template caches option).