Project Config
Calendar supports Craft's Project Config. You can modify the general configuration and settings for Calendar, as well as settings and field layouts for each calendar.
General config for Calendar
All of Calendar's settings can be controlled/overrided here (in /config/project/project.yaml
edition: pro # You'll get license errors if you don't have a valid Pro license.
enabled: true
schemaVersion: 4.0.0
pluginName: '' # Custom name for plugin (Pro).
firstDayOfWeek: '-1' # The starting day of the week when viewing front end and control panel Month and Week views as well as datepickers. '-1' is default, which the current user's locale. '0' is Sunday, '1' is Monday, etc.
timeFormat: auto # Time format for dates and date pickers. 'auto' is current user's locale, Use '12-hour' or '24-hour' to set the same for all users.
showMiniCal: '1' # Displays a side menu with mini calendar and list of calendars, allowing you to filter your event results.
showDisabledEvents: '1' # Events that are disabled will be displayed in the views with faded styles.
quickCreateEnabled: '1' # Allows all users with event creation privileges to use the Quick Create event feature.
authoredEventEditOnly: '1' # Users (excluding Admins) with event creation privileges will only be able to edit or delete their own events.
defaultView: month # The default page to go to when clicking the Calendar nav item.
demoBannerDisabled: '1' # Hides the alert message suggesting to install demo templates when this setting is enabled.
eventDuration: '60' # The default event time duration for fieldtype, in minutes.
timeInterval: '30' # The time picker interval for fieldtype, in minutes.
allDay: '' # Have the 'All Day' option selected by default for new events.
overlapThreshold: '5' # The amount of hours in the next day which are still considered as those of the previous day.
guestAccess: # The calendar ID's guests should have access to create events for on the front end.
- '5'
- '1'
- '3'
- '6'
Settings & field layouts for Calendars
Calendar will also store settings and field layouts for calendars (e.g. /config/project/solspace/calendar/calendarsblueThunder--59e6448b-613a-424c-98db-f9ae36dd2bc8.yaml
) and will look something like this:
name: 'Blue Thunder'
handle: blueThunder
description: ''
color: '#20A8B9'
allowRepeatingEvents: true
icsHash: ac3478d69a3c81fa62e60f5c3696165a4e5e6ac45aaa947450b782.65239311
icsTimezone: floating
descriptionFieldHandle: '0'
locationFieldHandle: '0'
hasTitleField: true
titleFormat: ''
titleLabel: Title
enabledByDefault: true
hasUrls: true
siteId: 5f1d37f9-004d-414a-8e9c-48d763fba635
template: blue-thunder/_entry
uriFormat: 'blue-thunder/de/{slug}'
enabledByDefault: true
hasUrls: true
siteId: 24990881-e55d-42d1-b228-92652cf50dfb
template: blue-thunder/_entry
uriFormat: 'blue-thunder/fr/{slug}'
enabledByDefault: true
hasUrls: true
siteId: bfdeaad5-5273-4cf1-a390-05c8929e7795
template: blue-thunder/_entry
uriFormat: 'blue-thunder/{slug}'
enabledByDefault: false
hasUrls: false
siteId: 8f0a08fa-5b1c-4c7b-84dd-bd93d571d031
template: null
uriFormat: null
- elements:
- fieldUid: ad144815-0d08-4ec6-948a-0b0c00190e2d
instructions: null
label: null
required: '0'
tip: null
type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
warning: null
width: 100
- fieldUid: 252c0982-bae0-4040-b669-e2fd9149eff6
instructions: null
label: null
required: '0'
tip: null
type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
warning: null
width: 100
- fieldUid: 390f343e-55c9-4362-996f-60e17d649e62
instructions: null
label: null
required: '0'
tip: null
type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
warning: null
width: 100
- fieldUid: fcdc1067-21d1-4a91-8094-b38a27c60ebb
instructions: null
label: null
required: '0'
tip: null
type: craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField
warning: null
width: 100
name: 'Tab 1'
sortOrder: 1
uid: 079608e5-4374-408a-b6de-ad776486ba33