Freeform Freeform for ExpressionEngine

Extension Hooks

If you wish to extend the capabilities of Freeform, you can use any of the extension hooks below:


Before Submit

freeform_next_form_before_submit is called before submitting a form. Contains these parameters:

  • form - the Form object

After Submit

freeform_next_form_after_submit is called after submitting a form. Contains these parameters:

  • form - the Form object
  • submission - the SubmissionModel object if the form is set to store data

Before Save

freeform_next_form_before_save is called before saving a form. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FormModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_form_after_save is called after saving a form. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FormModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_form_before_delete is called before deleting a form. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FormModel

After Delete

freeform_next_form_after_delete is called after deleting a form. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FormModel


Before Save

freeform_next_submission_before_save is called before saving a submission. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the SubmissionModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_submission_after_save is called after saving a submission. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the SubmissionModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_submission_before_delete is called before deleting a submission. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the SubmissionModel

After Delete

freeform_next_submission_after_delete is called after deleting a submission. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the SubmissionModel


Before Save

freeform_next_field_before_save is called before saving a field. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FieldModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_field_after_save is called after saving a field. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FieldModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_field_before_delete is called before deleting a field. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FieldModel

After Delete

freeform_next_field_after_delete is called after deleting a field. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the FieldModel


Before Save

freeform_next_notification_before_save is called before saving a notification. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the NotificationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_notification_after_save is called after saving a notification. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the NotificationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_notification_before_delete is called before deleting a notification. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the NotificationModel

After Delete

freeform_next_notification_after_delete is called after deleting a notification. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the NotificationModel


Before Save

freeform_next_status_before_save is called before saving a status. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the StatusModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_status_after_save is called after saving a status. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the StatusModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_status_before_delete is called before deleting a status. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the StatusModel

After Delete

freeform_next_status_after_delete is called after deleting a status. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the StatusModel

File Uploads

Before Upload

freeform_next_file_before_upload is called before uploading a file. Contains these parameters:

  • field - the FileUploadField

After Upload

freeform_next_file_after_upload is called after uploading a file. Contains these parameters:

  • field - the FileUploadField
  • fileId - integer value


Before Send

freeform_next_mailer_before_send is called before sending an email. Contains these parameters:

  • notification - the NotificationModel
  • submission - the SubmissionModel if data is being stored for this form

After Send

freeform_next_mailer_after_send is called after sending an email. Contains these parameters:

  • isSent - boolean value
  • notification - the NotificationModel
  • submission - the SubmissionModel if data is being stored for this form

CRM Integrations

Before Save

freeform_next_crm_before_save is called before saving an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_crm_after_save is called after saving an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_crm_before_delete is called before deleting an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel

After Delete

freeform_next_crm_after_delete is called after deleting an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel

Before Push

freeform_next_crm_before_push is called before pushing data to an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • integration - the AbstractIntegration
  • values - a key-value object of all values to be pushed to the integration.

After Push

freeform_next_crm_after_push is called after pushing data to an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • integration - the AbstractIntegration
  • values - a key-value object of all values that were pushed to the integration.

Mailing-List Integrations

Before Save

freeform_next_mailing_lists_before_save is called before saving an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

After Save

freeform_next_mailing_lists_after_save is called after saving an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel
  • isNew - boolean value

Before Delete

freeform_next_mailing_lists_before_delete is called before deleting an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel

After Delete

freeform_next_mailing_lists_after_delete is called after deleting an integration. Contains these parameters:

  • model - the IntegrationModel

Usage instructions

Register any of the hooks listed above with your extension. An example below using the freeform_next_form_before_save hook using form_before_save method in our example extension object:


use Solspace\Addons\FreeformNext\Model\FormModel;

class Example_ext
    // ... other code

     * Set all new Freeform forms to have random hash as their name and handle
     * @param FormModel $model
     * @param bool      $isNew
    public function form_before_save(FormModel $model, $isNew)
        if ($isNew) {
            // Set the form's name and handle to some random hash
            $model->name = md5(time());
            $model->handle = $model->name;

        // the model gets saved later on, no need to call save() here