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  • Updated the Salesforce Lead integration to use a newer API version and improved the reliability of the Salesforce access token.


  • Fixed a bug where pagination in the CP was not working correctly.



  • Added the ability to upload files to a submission inside the CP (if that submission currently has no files).


  • Fixed a bug where the CP and templates that load Freeform would show PHP8 warning errors.
  • Fixed some bugs where some icons were not displaying in the form builder.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform was not compatible with PHP 7.0.x.



  • Updated the Freeform honeypot to include tabindex='-1' on the input.
  • Updated the CP Submissions index and edit pages to link file uploads to the file viewer for easy previewing of images.


  • Fixed a bug where File field 'Edit' and 'Download' buttons were not visible on CP Submission edit pages.
  • Fixed a bug where the Custom Values toggle inside the Field Create/Edit page was not working.



  • Fixed a compatibility issue with AJAX and PHP 7.4.
  • Fixed a bug where the Freeform honeypot was still being inserted even when the 'Freeform Honeypot' toggle setting was disabled.
  • Fixed a variety of icon display issues in the form builder.
  • Fixed various visual errors throughout the Freeform CP and form builder.



  • Fixed a bug where the CP Forms and Submissions pages would error under certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug where errors could sometimes be triggered when exporting submission data.
  • Fixed a bug where default or selected values were not visually displayed correctly for Rating fields.
  • Fixed a bug where the form builder 'Custom Values' checkbox for multi-option fields was not working correctly.
  • Fixed various visual errors throughout the Freeform CP and form builder.



  • Added support for ExpressionEngine 6.
  • Added support for the EE6 Jump Menu.
  • Added support for the EE6 Menu Manager.


  • Updated all Freeform fields to now use TEXT for the column type in the database, thus allowing for many more fields to be created.
  • Updated the built-in Honeypot feature to now have the JavaScript enhancement decoupled from it. You can now disable the JavaScript part of the Honeypot if it is causing issues for you.