Freeform supports querying form layouts and form submission mutations via GraphQL. This guide assumes you have some GraphQL experience. To learn more about GraphQL and Craft, please check out the Fetch content with GraphQL guide and Craft's GraphQL API.
Have a look at our headless demos to get a feel for what's possible with GraphQL:
Querying Freeform data
Freeform has a root freeform
query, which contains all the possible queries nested inside it to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
Querying multiple Forms
- Query
- Response
To query all or some forms, you have to use the forms
query {
freeform {
forms {
pages {
rows {
fields {
Example response data:
"data": {
"freeform": {
"forms": [
"name": "My Form",
"handle": "myForm",
"pages": [
"label": "First Page",
"rows": [
"fields": [
"type": "text",
"label": "First Name",
"handle": "firstName",
"required": false
"type": "text",
"label": "Last Name",
"handle": "lastName",
"required": true
Querying a single Form
- Query
- Response
You can query a single form directly by using the form
query {
freeform {
form (handle: "my-form") {
pages {
# ...
Example response data:
"data": {
"freeform": {
"form": {
"name": "My Form",
"handle": "myForm",
"pages": [
"label": "First Page",
"rows": [
"fields": [
"type": "text",
"label": "First name",
"handle": "firstName",
"required": false
Querying a form field on a Craft Entry
- Query
- Response
You can query an Entry form field by using the form field name in the query. Assuming the form field's handle is myFormFieldHandle
and the section is called Blog
query {
entries {
... on blog_blog_Entry {
myFormFieldHandle {
fields {
Example response data:
"data": {
"entries": [
"id": "226",
"title": "Some Entry title",
"myFormFieldHandle": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Simple Form",
"fields": [
"handle": "firstName",
"label": "First Name",
"type": "text"
Form Query Arguments
The following arguments are available when querying single or multiple forms:
Argument | Type | Description |
id | [Int] | Narrow the queried forms by one or more form ID's |
uid | [String] | Narrow the queried forms by one or more form UID's |
handle | [String] | Narrow the queried forms by one or more form handles |
limit | Int | Limit the amount of returned form results |
offset | Int | Offset the returned form results |
orderBy | String | Order the forms by a specific property |
sort | String | Sort by asc or desc order |
query {
freeform {
# This is just an example
# For `id`, `uid` and `handle` - you can either pass a single value
# or an array of values for each argument
id: 1
handle: "test"
limit: 1
offset: 2
orderBy: "name"
sort: "desc"
) {
Field Query Arguments
You can query fields by the following arguments:
Argument | Type | Description |
id | [Int] | Narrow the queried fields by one or more field's ID's |
handle | [String] | Narrow the queried fields by one or more field's handles |
query {
freeform {
forms {
# This is just an example
# You can either pass a single value or an array of values for each argument
fields(id: [1, 2, 3], handle: ["firstName", "lastName"]) {
GraphQL mutations provide a way to modify data. The actual mutations will vary depending on the schema and what it allows. There are common mutations per GraphQL object type and additional type-specific mutations.
Creating a new Submission
To create a new submission we use form-specific mutations in the form of save_<formHandle>_Submission
Mutations take the data as arguments. We pass the values we want to use in the query as query variables.
In this example, we're using a form with the handle of contact
which contains form fields for first name, last name and email. Our form also has Honeypot and ReCaptcha V3 enabled. We also pass some form property overrides, setting dynamic notification recipients.
You can grab these values using form-specific GraphQL queries or by creating an custom endpoint on your site.
See How to Render a Form.
// Query
mutation SaveContactSubmission(
$formProperties: FreeformFormPropertiesInputType,
$honeypot: FreeformHoneypotInputType,
$javascriptTest: FreeformJavascriptInputType,
$captcha: FreeformCaptchaInputType,
$csrfToken: FreeformCsrfTokenInputType,
$firstName: String,
$lastName: String,
$email: String,
) {
formProperties: $formProperties
honeypot: $honeypot
javascriptTest: $javascriptTest
captcha: $captcha
csrfToken: $csrfToken
firstName: $firstName
lastName: $lastName
email: $email
) {
// Query Variables
"formProperties": {
"dynamicNotification": {
"recipients": ["", ""],
"template": "new_template_1.twig"
"honeypot": {
"name": "freeform_form_handle",
"value": ""
"captcha": {
"name": "g-recaptcha-response",
"csrfToken": {
"javascriptTest": {
"name": "freeform_form_handle",
"value": "",
"firstName": "Solspace",
"lastName": "Freeform",
"email": ""
Example response data:
"data": {
"save_contact_Submission": {
"submissionId": 1982,
"success": true
Submission Mutation Arguments
Argument | Type | Description |
... | Arguments depending on the field layout for the form |
Form InterfaceImproved in 5.9.6+
These are the fields available for the FreeformFormInterface
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | ID |
uid | String | UID |
name | String | Name |
handle | String | Handle |
type | String | Type |
hash | String | The form's hash needed to submit forms |
color | String | Color |
description | String | Description |
returnUrl | String | The specified return URL |
storeData | Boolean | Are submissions being stored for this form |
submissionTitleFormat | String | Title format used for new submission titles |
submissionMutationName | String | The forms GraphQL mutation name for submissions |
ipCollectingEnabled | Boolean | Are the IP addresses being stored |
ajax Renamed in 5.0+ | Boolean | Is the ajax enabled for this form |
showProcessingSpinner | Boolean | Should the submit button show a spinner when submitting |
showProcessingText | Boolean | Should the submit button change the button label while submitting |
processingText | String | The submit button loading label text |
defaultStatus | Int | The assigned default status ID of new submissions |
formTemplate | String | The assigned default formatting template |
honeypot | FreeformHoneypotInterface | A fresh honeypot instance |
csrfToken | FreeformCsrfTokenInterface | A fresh csrf token |
captcha Deprecated in 5.9.7+ | FreeformCaptchaInterface | The captcha for this form |
captchas Renamed in 5.9.7+ | [FreeformCaptchaInterface] | The captchas for this form |
fields | [FreeformFieldInterface] | A list of Form's Field |
pages | [FreeformPageInterface] | A list of Form's Page entities |
successBehavior New in 5.9.6+ | String | The form's success behavior |
successTemplate New in 5.9.6+ | String | The form's success template |
successMessage | String | The specified success message |
errorMessage | String | The specified error message |
disableSubmit | Boolean | Should the form’s submit button be disabled when the form is submitted |
disableReset | Boolean | Should the form’s submit button be disabled state be reset |
duplicateCheck New in 5.9.6+ | String | The form’s duplicate check rule |
stopSubmissionsAfter New in 5.9.6+ | String | The form’s stop submissions after date |
enctype | String | The form’s enctype |
rules | FreeformRulesInterface | The form’s rules |
postForwarding New in 5.9.5+ | FreeformPostForwardingInterface | The Post Forwarding integration for this form |
gtm New in 5.9.5+ | FreeformGoogleTagManagerInterface | The Google Tag Manager integration for this form |
javascriptTest New in 5.9.6+ | FreeformJavascriptTestInterface | The Javascript Test integration for this form |
Field Interface
Use FreeformFieldInterface
The base FreeformFieldInterface
implemented by all field types. You can see specific Field Type fields here.
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | ID |
type | String | Type |
label | String | Label |
handle | String | Handle |
instruction | String | Instructions |
required | Boolean | Is the field required |
pageIndex | Int | The page index this field is assigned to |
attributes New in 5.0+ | [FreeformAttributesInterface] | Field's attributes |
Page Interface
Use FreeformPageInterface
Each page contains a list of FreeformRowInterface
Field | Type | Description |
index | Int | Index of the page |
label | String | Page's label |
rows | [FreeformRowInterface] | A list of FreeformRowInterface objects |
Row Interface
Use FreeformRowInterface
Each row contains a list of fields:
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | A unique hash generated for each row |
fields | [FreeformFieldInterface] | A list of FreeformFieldInterface objects |
Submission Interface
These are the fields available for the FreeformSubmissionInterface
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | The ID of the submission |
finished | Boolean | Whether the submission is finished or not |
freeformPayload | String | The payload of the submission |
hash | String | The generated hash for the submission |
captcha Deprecated in 5.9.7+ | FreeformCaptchaInterface | The captcha for this form. |
captchas Renamed in 5.9.7+ | [FreeformCaptchaInterface] | The captchas for this form |
csrfToken | FreeformCsrfTokenInterface | The CSRF token (name and value) of the submission |
honeypot | FreeformHoneypotInterface | The Honeypot (name and value) of the submission |
html | String | The generated HTML for the submission |
multiPage | Boolean | Whether the submission has multiple pages or not |
onSuccess | String | The success behavior of the submission |
returnUrl | String | The return URL of the submission |
submissionId | Int | The ID of the submission |
duplicate Renamed in 5.0+ | Boolean | Whether the form submission is a duplicate or not |
submissionToken | String | The generated token for the submission |
success | Boolean | Whether the submission is a success or not |
dateCreated | DateTime | The created date for the submission |
dateUpdated | DateTime | The updated date for the submission |
isSpam | Boolean | Whether the submission is a spam or not |
spamReasons | String | Spam reasons for the submission |
user | User | The author of the submission |
assets | [Asset] | The assets of the submission |
postForwarding New in 5.9.5+ | FreeformPostForwardingInterface | The Post Forwarding integration of the submission |
gtm New in 5.9.5+ | FreeformGoogleTagManagerInterface | The Google Tag Manager integration of the submission |
javascriptTest New in 5.9.6+ | FreeformJavascriptTestInterface | The Javascript Test integration of the submission |
Option Interface
Use FreeformOptionInterface
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | Option's value |
label | String | Option's label |
checked | Boolean | Is the option checked |
Opinion Scale Interface
Use FreeformOpinionScaleInterface
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | Value |
label | String | Label |
Attributes InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformAttributesInterface
Field | Type | Description |
input | FreeformAttributeInterface | Input attributes |
label | FreeformAttributeInterface | Label attributes |
instructions | FreeformAttributeInterface | Instructions attributes |
container | FreeformAttributeInterface | Container attributes |
error | FreeformAttributeInterface | Error attributes |
Attribute Interface
Use FreeformAttributeInterface
Field | Type | Description |
attribute | String | Name of the Attribute |
value | String | Value of the Attribute |
Honeypot Interface
Use FreeformHoneypotInterface
Field | Type | Description |
errorMessage New in 5.9.6+ | String | Error message for Honeypot |
name | String | Name of Honeypot |
value Deprecated in 5.9.7+ | String | Value of Honeypot. |
CSRF Token Interface
Use FreeformCsrfTokenInterface
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the CSRF token |
value | String | Value of the CSRF token |
Captcha InterfaceRenamed in 5.0+, Improved in 5.9.6+
Use FreeformCaptchaInterface
In Freeform 5.9.6+, FreeformSubmissionCaptchaInputType
was renamed to FreeformCaptchaInputType
. If using FreeformSubmissionCaptchaInputType
, be sure to change it to FreeformCaptchaInputType
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | The forms GraphQL mutation name for submissions |
handle Deprecated in 5.9.7+ | String | The forms GraphQL mutation handle for submissions. |
enabled Deprecated in 5.9.7+ | Boolean | Is Captcha enabled for this form. |
action New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha action |
errorMessage New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha custom error message |
failureBehavior New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha failure behaviour |
fieldHandle New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha field handle |
locale New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha locale |
scoreThreshold New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha score threshold |
size New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha size |
theme New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha theme |
triggerOnInteract New in 5.9.6+ | Boolean | Will the Captcha trigger on interaction |
version New in 5.9.6+ | String | The Captcha version |
Buttons InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformButtonsInterface
Field | Type | Description |
layout | String | The button layout |
submitLabel | String | The button submit label |
back | Boolean | Whether the button has back button or not |
backLabel | String | The button back label |
save | Boolean | Whether the button has save button or not |
saveLabel | String | The button save label |
saveRedirectUrl | String | The button save redirect URL |
emailField | FreeformFieldInterface | The button email notification recipient |
notificationTemplate | FreeformNotificationTemplateInterface | |
attributes | FreeformButtonsAttributesInterface | The button attributes |
Buttons Attributes InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformButtonsAttributesInterface
Field | Type | Description |
container | FreeformAttributeInterface | Container attributes |
column | FreeformAttributeInterface | Column attributes |
buttonWrapper | FreeformAttributeInterface | Button Wrapper attributes |
submit | FreeformAttributeInterface | Submit button attributes |
back | FreeformAttributeInterface | Back button attributes |
save | FreeformAttributeInterface | Save button attributes |
Notification Template InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformNotificationTemplateInterface
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | The ID of the notification template |
name | String | The name of the notification template |
handle | String | The file name of the notification template |
description | String | The description of the notification template |
fromEmail | String | The from email that will appear in the notification template |
fromName | String | The from name that will appear in the notification template |
replyToName | String | The reply to name that will appear in the notification template |
replyToEmail | String | The reply to email that will appear in the notification template |
cc | String | The email address(es) you would like to be CC'd in the notification template |
bcc | String | The email address(es) you would like to be BCC'd in the notification template |
includeAttachments | Boolean | Whether to include attachments in the notification template or not |
presetAssets | [String] | Assets included as attachments in the notification template |
subject | String | The subject of the notification template |
body | String | The HTML content of the notification template |
textBody | String | The text content of the notification template |
autoText | Boolean | Whether Freeform will automatically provide a Text-only version of the notification based on the HTML version |
Rules InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformRulesInterface
Field | Type | Description |
pages | [FreeformPageRuleInterface] | The page rules |
fields | [FreeformFieldRuleInterface] | The field rules |
Page Rule InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformPageRuleInterface
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | The ID for the page rule |
uid | String | The UID for the page rule |
page | FreeformPageInterface | The page for the rule |
combinator | String | The combinator for the page rule |
conditions | [FreeformRuleConditionInterface] | The conditions for the page rule |
Field Rule InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformFieldRuleInterface
Field | Type | Description |
id | Int | The ID for the field rule |
uid | String | The UID for the field rule |
field | FreeformFieldInterface | The field for the field rule |
combinator | String | The combinator for the field rule |
conditions | [FreeformRuleConditionInterface] | The conditions for the field rule |
Rule Condition InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformRuleConditionInterface
Field | Type | Description |
uid | String | The UID for the rule condition |
field | FreeformFieldInterface | The field for the rule condition |
operator | String | The operator for the rule condition |
value | String | The value for the rule condition |
Form Properties InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformFormPropertiesInterface
Field | Type | Description |
dynamicNotification | FreeformDynamicNotificationInterface ` | Allows using a dynamic template level notification for a more fine-grained control. |
Dynamic Notification InterfaceNew in 5.0+
Use FreeformDynamicNotificationInterface
Field | Type | Description |
recipients | [String] | The recipients of the notification |
template | String | The name of the notification template |
Post Forwarding InterfaceNew in 5.9.5+
Use FreeformPostForwardingInterface
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | The Post Forwarding URL |
eventTrigger | String | The Post Forwarding error trigger |
sendFiles | Boolean | Will Post Forwarding send files |
Google Tag Manager (GTM) InterfaceNew in 5.9.5+
Use FreeformGoogleTagManagerInterface
Field | Type | Description |
containerId | String | The container ID |
eventName | String | The event name |
Javascript Test InterfaceNew in 5.9.6+
Use FreeformJavascriptTestInterface
Field | Type | Description |
errorMessage | String | Custom error message of Javascript Test |
name | String | Input Name of Javascript Test |
Field Types
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
placeholder | String | Input's placeholder attribute |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Text {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
rows | Int | Number of rows shown for this textarea |
placeholder | String | Input's placeholder attribute |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Textarea {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
options | [FreeformOptionInterface] | The assigned options |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Dropdown {
options {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
checked | Boolean | Should the checkbox be checked by default |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Checkbox {
Field | Type | Description |
values | [String] | The default values |
options | [FreeformOptionInterface] | The assigned options |
fields {
... on FreeformField_MultipleSelect {
options {
Field | Type | Description |
values | [String] | The default values |
oneLine | Boolean | Should this be shown in a single line |
options | [FreeformOptionInterface] | The assigned options |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Checkboxes {
options {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
options | [FreeformOptionInterface] | The assigned options |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Radios {
options {
Field | Type | Description |
placeholder | String | Input's placeholder attribute |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Email {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
minLength | Int | Minimum length of the number |
minValue | Int | Minimum value of the number |
maxValue | Int | Maximum length of the number |
decimalCount | Int | Number of decimals |
decimalSeparator | String | The decimal separator |
thousandsSeparator | String | The thousands separator |
allowNegative | Bool | Allow negative numbers |
placeholder | String | Input's placeholder attribute |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Number {
Field | Type | Description |
fileKinds | [String] | Allowed file kinds |
maxFileSizeKB | Int | Maximum allowed filesize in KB |
fileCount | Int | Number of allowed simultaneous file uploads |
fields {
... on FreeformField_File {
Field | Type | Description |
targetFieldHash | String | Hash of the field that has to be confirmed |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Confirmation {
Date & Time
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
dateTimeType | String | Type of the date field. ("date", "time", "both") |
generatePlaceholder | Boolean | Should a placeholder be auto-generated for this field |
dateOrder | String | Order of the date chunks. |
date4DigitYear | Boolean | Determines if the year should be displayed with 4 digits or two |
dateLeadingZero | Boolean | Determines if the dates should use a leading zero |
dateSeparator | String | Date separator |
clock24h | Boolean | Should the clock use a 24h format |
clockSeparator | String | Clock separator |
clockAMPMSeparate | Boolean | Should the AM/PM be separated from the time by a space |
useDatepicker | Boolean | Should the built-in datepicker be used |
minDate | String | Specifies the minimum allowed date that can be picked |
maxDate | String | Specifies the maximum allowed date that can be picked |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Datetime {
Opinion Scale
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
legends | [String] | A list of all the assigned Legends |
scales | [FreeformOpinionScaleInterface] | The assigned FreeformOpinionScaleInterface |
fields {
... on FreeformField_OpinionScale {
scales {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
pattern | String | Phone number pattern |
useJsMask | Boolean | Should the built-in pattern matcher javascript be enabled |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Phone {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
maxValue | Int | Phone number pattern |
colorIdle | String | Color of the unselected, unhovered rating star |
colorHover | String | Color of the hovered rating star |
colorSelected | String | Color of the selected rating star |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Rating {
Field | Type | Description |
value | String | The default value |
pattern | String | Regex pattern |
message | String | The error message to be displayed |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Regex {
Field | Type | Description |
width | Int | Width in pixels |
height | Int | Height in pixels |
showClearButton | Boolean | Determines if the "clear" button should be displayed |
borderColor | String | Signature field border color |
backgroundColor | String | Signature field background color |
penColor | String | Signature field pen color |
penDotSize | Float | The size of the pen dot |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Signature {
Field | Type | Description |
useScript | Boolean | Should the built-in javascript for handling table rows be used |
maxRows | Int | Number of maximum allowed rows this table can have |
addButtonLabel | Boolean | The label for the "add row" button |
addButtonMarkup | String | Custom html for the "add row" button |
removeButtonLabel | String | The label for the "delete row" button |
removeButtonMarkup | String | Custom html for the "delete row" button |
tableLayout | String | JSON of the table layout |
fields {
... on FreeformField_Table {
How to Render a Form
Below are the steps for being able to render your own form in the front-end using GraphQL data and another headless solution such as (but not limited to) Vue.js, Next.js, or React JS.
To be able to make a form submittable you will need several things:
- An
entry in the POST payload that points tofreeform/submit
. - A
entry which you will have to retrieve from an endpoint you create. - A
entry if you're using the Freeform Honeypot. - A
entry if you're using the Freeform Captchas. - A
entry if you're using Craft's CSRF tokens. - A
entry if you're usingEncrypted Payload
as the session storage type.
To get a valid formHash
, honeypot
, captcha
, csrfToken
and freeform_payload
, you will have to create an endpoint on your site.
If you're using Twig, here's how to return the form properties data:
{# You can attach custom form properties #}
{# #}
{% set formProperties = {} %}
{% set form = freeform.form('your_form_handle', formProperties) %}
If you're making your own endpoint via PHP, then we've outlined some simple steps to follow in order to set up a custom Freeform Module.
Make sure to read How to Build a Module if you are new to extending Craft with custom modules.
Create a Module
Below is an example of what your /modules/FreeformModule.php
file should look like:
namespace modules;
use Craft;
use yii\base\Module;
class FreeformModule extends Module
public function init()
Craft::setAlias('@modules', __DIR__);
if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest()) {
$this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\console\\controllers';
} else {
$this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\controllers';
Update the Application Config
Add your module to your project's application configuration by listing it in the /config/app.php
use modules\FreeformModule;
return [
'modules' => [
'freeform-module' => FreeformModule::class,
'bootstrap' => ['freeform-module'],
Add Controller
Create a new controller for Freeform located at /modules/controllers/FormController.php
namespace modules\controllers;
use craft\web\Controller;
use Solspace\Freeform\Freeform;
use yii\web\Response;
class FormController extends Controller
protected array|bool|int $allowAnonymous = true;
public function actionIndex(): string
return 'Welcome to the Craft Freeform Form Controller';
public function actionProperties(int $formId): Response
$form = Freeform::getInstance()->forms->getFormById($formId);
if ($form) {
return $this->asJson($form->toArray());
return $this->asJson(['message' => 'Form was not found']);
Update the Routes
Update the /config/routes.php
with your new module controller actions:
return [
'graphql/api' => 'graphql/api',
'freeform/form' => 'freeform-module/form/index',
'freeform/form/properties/<formId:\d+>' => 'freeform-module/form/properties',
Example JSON Response
The JSON response looks like this:
"id": 1,
"hash": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "My Form Handle",
"handle": "my-form-handle",
"class": "Solspace\\Freeform\\Form\\Types\\Regular",
"enctype": "application\/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"properties": {
"hash": "YNkW4Jzye-O2Gd90zeo-tY6a9U8ihSaw0zdJ9yUKne7P7OiLNVnuMVi9Nf5v",
"init-time": 1694603762,
"secret": "F2okR1p8To6y1nAZaY5n"
"attributes": {
"row": {},
"success": {},
"errors": {}
"settings": {
"behavior": {
"ajax": true,
"showProcessingSpinner": true,
"showProcessingText": true,
"processingText": "Its Processing...",
"successBehavior": "reload",
"successTemplate": "successsample.twig",
"returnUrl": "/",
"successMessage": "Form has been submitted successfully!",
"errorMessage": "Sorry, there was an error submitting the form. Please try again.",
"duplicateCheck": "limit_once_per_email",
"stopSubmissionsAfter": "2023-09-15T23:00:00.000000Z"
"general": {
"name": "My Form Handle",
"handle": "my-form-handle",
"type": "Solspace\\Freeform\\Form\\Types\\Regular",
"submissionTitle": "{{ dateCreated|date(\"Y-m-d H:i:s\") }}",
"formattingTemplate": "basic-dark/index.twig",
"description": "Test Form",
"color": "#d0021b",
"storeData": true,
"defaultStatus": 3,
"collectIpAddresses": true,
"allowUsersToOptIn": true,
"optInCheckbox": null
"csrfToken": {
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"honeypot": {
"errorMessage": "Form honeypot is invalid",
"name": "freeform_form_handle"
"gtm": {
"containerId": "GTM-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"eventName": "demo-form-submitted"
"postForwarding": {
"url": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"errorTrigger": "An error occurred",
"sendFiles": true
"javascriptTest": {
"errorMessage": "Javascript must be enabled to submit this form",
"name": "freeform_javascript_test"
"javascriptTest": {
"errorMessage": "Javascript must be enabled to submit this form",
"inputName": "freeform_javascript_test",
// If using encrypted payloads:
"freeform_payload": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"anchor": "xxxxxx-form-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"action": "freeform\/submit",
// If using Captchas:
"captchas": [{
"size": "normal",
"theme": "light",
"locale": "en",
"errorMessage": "Please verify that you are not a robot.",
"failureBehavior": "display-error",
"triggerOnInteract": false,
"enabled": true,
"handle": "captcha",
"action": "submit",
"version": "v2-checkbox",
"scoreThreshold": "0.5",
"name": "g-recaptcha-response" // or h-captcha-response or cf-turnstile-response
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