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Submission object


  • id #
    • The event's unique ID, which is also the element ID.
  • incrementalId #
    • The unique incremental ID of the submission (not element ID).
  • title #
    • The submission's title.
  • dateCreated #
    • The DateTime object of when the submission was submitted.
  • statusModel #
    • - the submission's status name.
    • statusModel.handle - the submission's status handle.
    • statusModel.color - the submission's status color.
  • formId #
    • Related form's ID.
  • form #
    • The Freeform_FormModel.
  • ip #
  • token #
    • The token generated for the submission.
    • A common use-case for tokens would be when you want to have a more secure URL for accessing and displaying submission data, or allowing users to delete their own submission and not requiring any login, etc.
  • fieldMetadata #
    • A list containing all fields who store values (doesn't include HTML fields, submit fields, mailing-list fields).
    • Each of the objects is a Field object, and contains the submitted value.
    • You can access all of the field properties for each field specific to the current submissions related Form.
  • You can access any field in the submission's form by the field's handle:
    • If you have a field with a handle firstName, you can access its value by calling:
      • {{ submission.firstName }} or
      • Get its label {{ submission.firstName.label }}
        • Any other property such as placeholder, options, defaultValue, etc is also available.
        • Some properties are field type specific. For example, you wouldn't be able to get rows from a select field, or options from a textarea field.

Usage in Templates

Basic List

Below is a basic example of how to display a list of submissions for a given form:

{% set formHandle = 'yourFormHandle' %}
{% set submissions = freeform.submissions({
form: formHandle,
}) %}

<h3>Submissions for {{ }}</h3>

{% if submissions is empty %}
<div>There are no submissions</div>
{% else %}
<table class="table">
{% for field in (submissions|first) %}
<th>{{ field.label }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for submission in submissions %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<a href="{{ siteUrl }}freeform-demo/bootstrap/{{ form.handle }}/submissions/{{ }}">
{{ submission.title }}
{% for field in submission %}
{% if field.type == "file" %}
{% set assetIds = submission[field.handle].value %}
{% if assetIds %}
{% for assetId in assetIds %}
{% set asset = %}
{% if asset %}
{% if asset.kind == "image" %}
<img src="{{ asset.url }}" class="img-responsive" />
{% else %}
<a href="{{ asset.url }}">{{ asset.filename }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ submission[field.handle] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Basic Single

Below is a basic example of how to display a single view submission, assuming the submission ID is in the third segment:

{% set submission = freeform.submissions({
form: 'yourFormHandle',
}).one() %}

{{ }} - {{ submission.title }}
({{ }})

<table class="table table-striped">
{% for field in submission %}
<th style="width: 20%;">{{ field.label }}</th>
{% if field.type == "file" %}
{% set assetId = submission[field.handle] %}
{% set asset = %}
{% if asset %}
<img src="{{ asset.url }}" />
{% endif %}
{% elseif field.type == "dynamic_recipients" %}
{{ field.value }}
{% else %}
{{ submission[field.handle] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}