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The following example assumes you're including necessary Foundation JS and CSS. You can keep the inline CSS inside the formatting template or move it to your page's <head></head> tags of course.

<style>label.required:after{content:"*";color:#d00;margin-left:5px;font-size:12px;font-family:serif;font-weight:700}.submit{margin-top:15px}.submit-align-left{text-align:left}.submit-align-right{text-align:right}.submit-align-center{text-align:center}.submit-align-center button:not(:first-of-type),.submit-align-left button:not(:first-of-type),.submit-align-right button:not(:first-of-type){margin-left:5px}.submit-align-spread button:first-child{float:left}.submit-align-spread button:last-child{float:right}</style>

{{ form.renderTag }}

{% if form.pages|length > 1 %}

<ul class="menu pagemenu">
{% for page in form.pages %}
<li class="{{ form.currentPage.index == page.index ? "active" : "" }}">
{% if form.currentPage.index == page.index %}
<a href="javascript:;" class="is-active">{{ page.label }}</a>
{% else %}
<a href="javascript:;">{{ page.label }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if form.hasErrors %}
<div class="callout alert">
{{ "Error! Please review the form and try submitting again."|t('freeform') }}

{% if form.errors|length %}
{% for error in form.errors %}
<li>{{ error }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% for row in form %}
<div class="row {{ form.customAttributes.rowClass }}">
{% for field in row %}
{% set width = (12 / (row|length)) %}

{% set isCheckbox = field.type in ["checkbox","mailing_list"] %}

{% set columnClass = "" %}
{% set columnClass = columnClass ~ form.customAttributes.columnClass %}
{% set columnClass = columnClass ~ " medium-" ~ width ~ " columns" %}

{% if field.type == "submit" %}
{% set columnClass = columnClass ~ " submit submit-align-" ~ field.position %}
{% endif %}

<div class="{{ columnClass }}"{{ field.rulesHtmlData }}>

{% if field.type == "checkbox_group" %}

{{ field.renderLabel({
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
instructionsClass: "help-text",
}) }}

{% for option in field.options %}
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox"
name="{{ field.handle }}[]"
value="{{ option.value }}"
{{ option.checked ? "checked" : "" }}
{{ option.label|t|raw }}
{% endfor %}

{{ field.renderInstructions() }}
{{ field.renderErrors() }}

{% elseif field.type == "radio_group" %}

{{ field.renderLabel({
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
instructionsClass: "help-text",
}) }}

{% for option in field.options %}
<div class="radio">
<input type="radio"
name="{{ field.handle }}"
value="{{ option.value }}"
{{ option.checked ? "checked" : "" }}
{{ option.label|t|raw }}
{% endfor %}

{{ field.renderInstructions() }}
{{ field.renderErrors() }}

{% elseif field.type == "dynamic_recipients" and (field.showAsRadio or field.showAsCheckboxes) %}

{{ field.renderLabel({
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
instructionsClass: "help-text",
}) }}

{% for option in field.options %}
<div class="radio">
<input type="{{ field.showAsRadio ? "radio" : "checkbox" }}"
name="{{ field.handle }}[]"
value="{{ loop.index0 }}"
{{ option.checked ? "checked" : "" }}
{{ option.label|t|raw }}
{% endfor %}

{{ field.renderInstructions() }}
{{ field.renderErrors() }}

{% elseif field.type == "cc_details" %}


{{ field.renderLabel({
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
instructionsClass: "help-text",
}) }}

{% for layoutRow in field.layoutRows %}
<div class="row {{ form.customAttributes.rowClass }}">
{% set layoutWidth = (12 / (layoutRow|length)) %}
{% set columnClass = columnClass|replace(' medium-' ~ width) %}
{% set columnClass = columnClass ~ " medium-" ~ layoutWidth %}
{% for layoutField in layoutRow %}
<div class="{{ columnClass }}">
{{ layoutField.renderLabel({
labelClass: (layoutField.required ? " required" : ""),
instructionsClass: "help-text",
}) }}

{{ layoutField.renderInput({
instructionsClass: "help-block",
instructionsBelowField: true,
labelClass: (layoutField.required ? " required" : ""),
errorClass: "help-block",
inputAttributes: {type: "text"},
}) }}

{{ layoutField.renderInstructions() }}
{{ layoutField.renderErrors() }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{{ field.renderInput({
instructionsClass: "help-block",
instructionsBelowField: true,
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
errorClass: "help-block",
}) }}

{{ field.renderInstructions }}
{{ field.renderErrors }}

{% elseif field.type == "submit" %}

{{ field.render({ class: "button" }) }}

{% else %}

{{ field.render({
class: isCheckbox ? "checkbox" : "form-control",
instructionsClass: "help-text",
instructionsBelowField: true,
labelClass: (field.required ? " required" : ""),
}) }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{{ form.renderClosingTag }}
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