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1.9.4 2019-12-09


  • Fixed a potential security vulnerability with submitting of forms.

1.9.3 2019-01-21


  • Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability on Email field types.

1.9.2 2018-11-20


  • Improved AJAX demo templates to be more reliable.

1.9.1 2018-08-07


  • Updated SharpSpring integration to work with all custom field types.


  • Fixed a bug where reCAPTCHA was not working correctly with PHP 5.4 - 5.6.
  • Fixed a bug where manually rendering File Upload fields could show an error.
  • Fixed a bug where Demo Templates installer was stripping - from URI paths.

1.9.0 2018-06-07


  • Added reCAPTCHA spam protection integration for Freeform Pro edition.
  • Added a variety of thorough AJAX examples to demo templates!
  • Added ability to quickly duplicate forms from list of forms in CP.


  • Updated form validation to no longer allow a single space as a valid value for required fields.
  • Updated plugin icon.


  • Fixed a bug where setting the maxlength option for text and textarea fields to a value, and then changing back to nothing would result in Freeform not having the field accept no values.
  • Fixed a bug where the Salesforce fetch token URL regex restriction was not allowing all types of URLs to pass through.

1.8.9 2018-05-25


  • Updated form validation to no longer allow a single space as a valid value for required fields.
  • Updated Hidden fields to allow up to 250 characters.


  • Fixed a bug where the Salesforce fetch token URL regex restriction was not allowing for less common URLs to pass through.
  • Fixed a bug where the hidden Spam honeypot field label was missing the for attribute.
  • Fixed a bug where fields with numeric options were not always using the correct values.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting odd checkbox data could result in an error.
  • Fixed a bug where an error could display when trying to submit a form with AJAX with an empty file upload field.

1.8.8 2018-04-25


  • Fixed an XSS security vulnerability with submitting forms.


  • Fixed a bug where exporting to CSV would result in a server error in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform could error when uploading file attachments in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where 'max length' error messages for text and textarea fields were not translatable.
  • Fixed a bug where Radio group and Checkbox group options were rendering without unique values for the ID attribute by default.
  • Fixed a bug where a 'Handle Missing' error would display incorrectly for Mailing List fields in Composer layout.

1.8.7 2018-04-04


  • Added Pipedrive CRM integration for Freeform Pro edition.
  • Added new settings for Salesforce CRM integration for assignment rules and accounts with custom URLs in Salesforce.
  • Added a setting for spam protection that allows you to control the behavior of submit return (to simulate a successful submit).
  • Added warnings in Composer to show if a field has a blank handle.


  • Updated default formatting templates and demo templates so field types with options are translatable.


  • Fixed a bug where the "Manage All Submissions" permission was not granting users and user groups access to Quick Export feature.

1.8.6 2018-03-15


  • Updated multi-page limit in Composer to 100 pages.


  • Fixed a bug where File Upload fields did not work correctly with PHP 5.4.
  • Fixed a bug where Radio group fields were not getting validated if set to required.

1.8.5 2018-03-06


  • Fixed a bug where the default value and placeholder attributes were not being saved for Text fields and Confirmation fields.
  • Fixed a bug where the single submission view page in CP would error for submissions with file uploads from before multiple upload capabilities.
  • Fixed a bug where field.label would only ever render as 'Submit', regardless of any customized value specified in Composer.
  • Fixed a bug where formatting templates were not correctly handling Dynamic Recipients fields as radio options.
  • Fixed a bug where the Maximum Length setting for text inputs was not correctly being applied.

1.8.4 2018-02-23


  • Updated File Upload fields to have the ability to accept multiple files.
  • Updated Dynamic Recipients field to have the ability to accept multiple recipients.
  • Updated Checkbox fieldtype to show a warning in Composer when no value is set.


  • Fixed a bug where using Dynamic Recipients fieldtype as Radio display would not send email notifications.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Remove Newlines from Textareas for Exporting" setting was not respected by basic CSV Export.

1.8.3 2018-02-02


  • Added a 'Use Double Opt-in?' setting for MailChimp integrations.
  • Added onBeforeSubmit and onAfterSubmit events.
  • Added an optional renderSingleInput method to render single Checkbox fields' input without an additional hidden input.


  • Updated Mailing List fieldtype renderInput to now only output the input field (without a label).


  • Fixed a bug where dashboard widget names would not match the plugin rename setting.
  • Fixed a bug where the default value and placeholder attributes were not applied to Website fields when added to form in Composer.
  • Fixed a bug where cleaning up assets service could sometimes trigger an error.
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields without a Min length and Max length set would not accept any values when submitting a form.

1.8.2 2018-01-09


  • Added setting to remove newlines from textarea fields for exporting.


  • Improved error handling for submitting forms with values that exceed maximum length for fields.

1.8.1 2017-12-21


  • Updated Salesforce integration to work with checkbox fields.


  • Fixed a bug where some users would see an error when attempting to create new file upload fields.
  • Fixed some minor visual bugs in Composer interface.

1.8.0 2017-12-15


  • Added ability to rename Freeform in settings to whatever name you like.


  • Renamed "basic" edition of Freeform to Freeform Lite (Freeform Pro remains the same).
  • Improved Composer interface to have sticky/locking auto-scrolling side columns. This makes searching through available fields and working with longer forms easier.
  • Updated the auto-scroll for error return handling on front end templates to be more reliable.
  • Updated File Upload exception errors to be logged into Freeform error log, and no longer display to user on front end when submitting a form.
  • Updated File Upload event callbacks to include Form object.
  • Updated MailChimp integration to be available in Freeform Pro edition only. Previous purchasers of Freeform Lite ("basic") will continue to have access to a special Lite package that contains the MailChimp integration.


  • Fixed a bug where the Spam protection feature's "count" in control panel was incrementing incorrectly with each successful submission.
  • Fixed a bug where Composer would choke on form handles and field handles that contained true or false strings in them.

1.7.2 2017-11-09


  • Added Max Length option to be set inside Composer for Text and Textarea fields.


  • Updated Date & Time field to no longer switch to being handled by browser in Mobile view due to chances of incorrect formatting.


  • Fixed a bug where the Dynamic Recipients field would not remember which selection was chosen if the page reloaded after triggering an error.
  • Fixed a bug where an Exception error would show in CP Composer ad Email Templates area if there was an HTML notification template with syntax error. Updated Freeform to no longer require this, and have a new minor error to include a path to the offending template.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform was not correctly handling cleanup of unfinalized Assets.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform 1.6+ migrations might not work correctly sometimes.
  • Fixed a bug where the Date & Time field date picker was not working correctly for IE 11.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sandbox option in CRM integration page was not visually showing it was being set.

1.7.1 2017-11-01


  • Fixed a bug where Pro fieldtype fields would not show as options for mapping to API integrations.
  • Fixed a bug where the SharpSpring integration would error in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where Confirmation fields would break form submittal when set to required.

1.7.0 2017-10-26


  • Added new SharpSpring CRM API integration for Pro version.
  • Added setting for selecting whether you want Freeform auto-generated scripts to load in page footer or inside <form></form> tags.
  • Added auto-disable Submit button feature once a user clicks Submit (and a setting for it in control panel).


  • Fixed a bug where Freeform was allowing double (or more) submitting of forms if users kept clicking the Submit button while it was loading.
  • Fixed a bug where single Checkbox fields would not remember their selection if the form errored.
  • Fixed a bug where instruction text would overlap the "remove" link (if long enough) for single Checkbox fields in Composer interface.

1.6.3 2017-10-17


  • Fixed a bug where single Checkbox fields would not remember their selection if the submitter went back a page in multi-page forms.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform "basic" installs were not creating the Export Profile database table and resulting in an error if switched to Pro version later. Migration will correct affected installs.
  • Fixed a bug where fields with array data would display as a literal array when exporting in CSV.
  • Fixed a bug where an array of data in select fields for Salesforce API integration could cause an error.

1.6.2 2017-10-04


  • Added form anchor to be automatically generated so inline error returns can focus down to form, if it's lower down on page.


  • Fixed a bug where single Checkbox fields would always return the default value for the field in Submissions object and email notifications, whether or not the checkbox is checked.

1.6.1 2017-09-01


  • Added Incremental ID feature, which assigns a unique Freeform ID to each submission (different than element ID).


  • Updated Composer to display hash value of HTML blocks and Submit buttons in property editor, for use with manual implementations.
  • Updated Composer to allow forms with dashes in the handle name.


  • Fixed a bug where the Form Color picker didn't show in Composer (used for specifying color of data in Pro Widget charts).
  • Fixed a bug where 'ID' was not an available column to be displayed in Submissions list in CP.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing TAB key through Select (or similar) fields with labels and values would reapply auto-population.
  • Fixed a bug where Salesforce API integrations didn't work with custom Salesforce account URL's.
  • Fixed a bug where the Set Status option would not show up in Submissions list in CP if the user/group only had access to some of the forms.

1.6.0 2017-08-10


  • Added new Field types for Pro version: Confirmation, Date & Time, Number, Phone, Rating, Regex, Website.
  • Added advanced Quick Export and Export Profiles options in Pro version.
  • Added Access / Manage Exports permission controls.
  • Added a setting to hides Solspace default formatting templates from showing in Formatting Template dropdown list in Composer.
  • Added an example formatting template and demo template for Materialize framework.
  • Added a Sandbox option for Salesforce integration in Pro version.


  • Updated Spam Honeypot field JS to display at the bottom of the template.


  • Fixed a bug where single checkbox fields were not saving the user's selection if errors were triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where email validation was allowing some invalid syntax.
  • Fixed a bug where filtering submissions based on more than one status on front end returned an error.
  • Fixed a bug where Spam Honeypot field attributes in HTML source were all missing spaces in between them.
  • Fixed a bug where using the 'Export to CSV' (for Basic version) would display a permission error if user/group did not have access to ALL forms.
  • Fixed a bug where calling $submission->fieldMetadata would get an error.
  • Fixed a bug where orphaned mailing list setups would error in Composer.
  • Fixed a bug where unchecking ALL filetype options for File Upload fields in Fields area would not save preferences.
  • Fixed a bug where EPS files were not able to be uploaded.
  • Fixed a bug where Dynamic Recipients field would not display an Email column in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where updating a submission in control panel would change single Checkbox values to 0 or 1.

1.5.1 2017-06-09


  • Fixed a bug where radio and checkbox group fields would not display the selected option(s) in email notifications or front end submission templates.

1.5.0 2017-06-07


  • Added error logging to Freeform.log for email notification template issues.
  • Added isChecked method for field options to allow for {{ option.checked ? "checked" : "" }} on fields like checkbox, radio, etc.


  • Updated Composer to allow underscores in field name and template handles.
  • Updated Composer to live auto-update form name in page title and breadcrumbs when being updated by the user.
  • Updated Campaign Monitor mailing list API integration to handle support for mapping to multiple option dropdown field type.
  • Updated spam protection Honeypot field to contain the aria-hidden attribute so voiceover doesn't read it.


  • Fixed a bug where Freeform demo template install might reference Solspace Calendar plugin if there was an error.
  • Fixed a bug where uploaded file attachments wouldn't get proper file names in notification emails.

1.4.2 2017-04-27


  • Added error logging for Freeform and API integrations.
  • Added a session success flash variable for when the form is successfully submitted.


  • Updated Composer to no longer enforce a limit of 9 pages.
  • Updated Radio and Checkbox Group field option labels to allow HTML parsing like span or strong, etc.
  • Updated Composer to auto-select newly created formatting / notification templates.


  • Fixed a bug where blank custom values for Select, Radio and Checkbox Group fields would not save correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where MailChimp would not send any data through the API if no fields had values.
  • Fixed a bug where the Field database type migration could error in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where changing a Mailing List API key while one exists in a form could cause errors to display in Composer.

1.4.1 2017-03-11


  • Fixed a bug where 1 form being submitted would parse POST error validation on other forms on the same page.
  • Fixed a bug where Textarea fields in Submission view in CP would have a height of 2 rows instead of matching the number of rows set in Composer.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mailing Lists list of the MailChimp integration would only return the first 10 results.
  • Fixed a bug where the fieldtype would sometimes trigger an error (array received instead of object).
  • Fixed a bug where the page to edit email notifications in CP was loading the ACE editor library files remotely and not locally (not allowing for offline editing).
  • Fixed a bug where CSV exports were not always escaping properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the Flexbox sample formatting template wasn't displaying properly in IE10 and IE11.

1.4.0 2017-02-08


  • Added support for Twig template file email notification templates.
  • Added support for Dynamic template-level email notifications.
  • Added support for new Freeform Widgets addon plugin (sold separately).
  • Added color picker to forms in Composer to designate colors for Freeform Widgets addon plugin (sold separately).


  • Updated Demo Templates installer to allow a fully custom directory name (no longer appends 'demo').
  • Updated Freeform to expose Honeypot spam protection and form hash.


  • Fixed a bug where Salesforce Lead integration multipicklist fields were not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where required validation on fields (such as text input) wouldn't accept '0' as a value.
  • Fixed a bug where adding the Statistics widget and not selecting any statuses for its settings would result in errors on the dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where file attachments from external sources were not being included as attachments on email notifications.

1.3.1 2017-01-19


  • Fixed a bug where demo templates and sample formatting templates didn't correctly account for Submit button class from 1.3 release. Existing Freeform users may need to include a conditional in their formatting template(s) for Submit fields.
  • Fixed a bug where errors would sometimes show in property editor for integrations.
  • Fixed a bug with SQL Strict Mode and API integrations.
  • Fixed a bug where the Tutorial walkthrough in Composer was not working correctly.

1.3.0 2017-01-12


  • Added permissions per form for accessing submissions.
  • Added Submissions field type (for relating Freeform submissions to Craft Entries, etc).
  • Added ArrayAccess for form elements.
  • Added support for "picklist" and "multi-select picklist" field types in Freeform Salesforce Lead add-on.


  • Updated field editor for fields with options to use the Craft field editor table (to remove or rearrange order of options).
  • Updated all form labels to have the for attribute and a default corresponding value.
  • Updated API integration plugins to use DB Schema versions so minor updates don't trigger Craft Update process.
  • Optimized field database column types.


  • Fixed a bug where Textarea field types were using VARCHAR 255 instead of TEXT for database column type.
  • Fixed a bug where calling renderInput() on a checkbox field rendered the label as well as the input.
  • Fixed a bug where applying a class as a customAttribute on a field of submit type wasn't adding a class.
  • Fixed a bug where the name form attribute override parameter didn't work in freeform.form function and Form object.
  • Fixed a bug where field's values and labels were being evaluated before being rendered, so using values like true and false would parse as 1 and 0.
  • Fixed a bug where form.get would not fail gracefully.
  • Fixed a bug where the Freeform fieldtype did not fully support SQL Strict mode.
  • Fixed a bug where Hidden fields would not show up in the Submission Edit layout.
  • Fixed a bug where the success message after deleting Freeform submissions would display an incorrect message.
  • Fixed a bug where users / user groups that didn't have access to Manage Forms were still seeing the "New Form" button in Submissions area.

1.2.0 2016-11-22


  • Added ability to change the value for single Checkbox fields. By default, it now has a value of Yes, which can be overwritten with any value you want. The front end however, will always display the value as 1, but upon submission, the value will be switched to the one you have set.
  • Added formAttributes and inputAttributes properties in customAttributes for things like novalidate, data-form-id, etc.
  • Added useRequiredAttribute: true property to Form and Field object custom attributes. Fields that have been set to be required with get the required attribute added to their input.
  • Added Submission object variables to email notification templates.


  • Updated Freeform demo templates to use 'slug' instead of 'handle' for template routes.


  • Fixed some bugs where Freeform and API Integrations were not fully compatible with PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
  • Fixed a bug where Email fields that were required were being automatically assigned 'required' attribute. To add this back, use useRequiredAttribute: true override.
  • Fixed a bug where Freeform would conflict with other plugins' navigation tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where Radio Group and Select fields would display "Checked?" instead of "Selected?".
  • Fixed a bug where default Submit button markup would cause issues with AJAX.
  • Fixed a visual bug where Checkbox group fields were automatically adding an "All" option in CP Edit view, and checking off all values if none were selected.
  • Fixed a visual bug with Composer field placeholder that would stick when using Chrome.

1.1.0 2016-11-02


  • Added option per form to store data in the database or not (send emails or API integration only).
  • Added ability to duplicate forms.


  • Updated Email Notification Template editor to match the HTML editor inside Composer.
  • Updated field handles to now be overridable per form inside Composer.
  • Updated forms to improve AJAX handling and added AJAX implementation documentation.
  • Updated Composer page tabs to be scrollable when they extend past the available width, moved Add Page (+) button to be right aligned.


  • Fixed a bug where quick create fields, notifications and formatting templates options would be displayed inside Composer to users/groups without sufficient privileges.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the main Freeform nav item would show an 'Unauthorized' message to users/groups that did not have access to Freeform Settings page.
  • Fixed a bug where inline errors would only display if form.hasErrors conditional was used inside the formatting template.
  • Fixed a bug where saving multi-page forms with no fields on it inside Composer would cause the form to no longer display when opening it again.
  • Fixed a bug where id and overrideValues (for hidden fields) parameters did not work for freeform.form.render() function.
  • Fixed a bug where freeform.form function would not work with overrides when renderTag was used.

1.0.1 2016-10-27


  • Fixed a bug where logged out guests would receive a permission error when submitting forms.
  • Fixed a bug where Salesforce integration failed when sending empty required fields.

1.0.0 2016-10-24


  • Initial release.