Express Forms Express Forms for Craft
2.x Discontinued


The Express Forms plugin has been discontinued. Please see the Freeform migration guide for more information.


All of the Express Forms control panel is translatable. Front end template translating of fields and error messages is also available.

To make a translation, follow Craft's instructions for Translating Static Text, and then check out the Express Forms-specific guide below:

  • Duplicate the express-forms.php file inside the Express Forms plugin located at the ./vendor/solspace/craft-express-forms/src/translations/en-US folder, and move it into the language ID folder (e.g. de) of your Craft ./translations/ directory. If the translations directory does not yet exist, you'll need to create it (e.g. ./translations/de/express-forms.php). You can then update those language keys inside your Express Forms translation file.

Visit the Craft documentation for more information about Setting Up a Localized Site.

If you'd like to share your translation with others, send us and email with a link to the translation file, and we'll consider including it in the main Solspace Express Forms plugin package.