A newer version of


is available.

Try Freeform 5 now →


Beta Testing

As part of our commitment to developing and releasing reliable, stable software, we now put all minor feature releases through thorough beta testing.

Current Beta

Coming soon! Freeform 5.0 (for Craft 4)

If you wish to join future betas, please check out the instructions and guide below.


While we carefully develop new features and put all of it through rigorous alpha and beta testing, we cannot guarantee that there will be no major issues in beta software. It's also possible that specific edge case scenarios may have been missed, etc. For this reason, we strongly advise you not to use beta versions in production environments.

Before you proceed, please ensure the following:

  1. Make a copy of your site for local development testing.
  2. Backup the database and database.
  3. If this is an upgrade, carefully examine all aspects of your site and features after upgrading to ensure they're working correctly.

Overview of Changes

Coming soon! Check back again...


Freeform 4.0 requires Craft 4. It has the same updated server requirements as Craft 4.


Betas cannot be installed from the Craft control panel. They must be installed manually through Composer:

cd /path/to/project
composer require solspace/craft-freeform:^4.0.0-beta.1


composer require solspace/craft-freeform && php craft plugin/install freeform

If you'd like to try out Freeform Pro, click on the Lite / Trial button beside the Freeform plugin name and inside the Plugin Store product page for Freeform, you can click on Try button for the Pro edition.




If you're updating from Freeform 3.x and Craft 3.x, please see the special Freeform 4 upgrade guide here.

If you're wanting to update from an older version of the Freeform 4 beta to a newer version:

Betas cannot be updated from the Craft control panel. They must be updated manually through Composer:

Adjust the version number for solspace/craft-freeform to ^4.0.0-beta.1.

Your final composer.json file might have something like this:


"require": {
    "craftcms/cms": "^4.0.0",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.4.0",
    "solspace/craft-freeform": "^4.0.0-beta.1",


By specifying ^ before the version number (^3.13.0-beta.4), for future updates you can just run composer update and it'll grab the latest available beta version.

cd /path/to/project
composer update

Providing Feedback

We would greatly appreciate it if you are able to provide us with routine feedback throughout your testing and usage of the beta. Even if you aren't using any of the new features or changes, providing feedback allows us to get a better idea of how things are going for all kinds of websites.

To make this even easier, we've included a Beta Feedback widget that displays in the Freeform control panel. Just click a star rating (5/5 to indicate if everything is going well, or less if you are experiencing any issues) and if you have anything to clarify, fill in a quick note in the textarea and click submit. You can optionally include your email address, which will also help us get in touch with you to get more information about any issues and/or assist you as necessary.

Feel free to also just use a Private Support Ticket or report an issue via GitHub Issues.


This widget will only display during betas. If you wish to disable it from displaying, add FREEFORM_DISABLE_BETA_FEEDBACK_WIDGET=1 to your .ENV file.

Beta Feedback Widget

Beta Feedback Widget opened

Reporting Issues

If you're experiencing any issues with this beta, please let us know ASAP and we'll be happy to assist you with the issue. If everything is working very well for you, we would appreciate you taking the time to let us know that too! 😃